I tend to do a rethink sometimes.

Especially if I feel I wrote something obnoxious or which would make no sense or that which might hurt someone even vaguely.. I then go to edit, click on draft and save it.
I turn my published post back into the draft.

Now I just wished to ask Wbabu, when I turn my published, already polled post back into draft..what happens to the points on the new post I just had created and what happens to the polls points I just obtained?
Do they reduce automatically?

I ask this because I saw my points remaining as it is. It hasn't diminished.

So please writer babu bosses..
do something ..
or I will keep amassing wealth(points) unnecessarily as I often tend to draft my published posts if I don't like 'em.

I wish there was a delete button too.
So I could just delete my post instead of drafting it back.

I believe all are honest babus out here..
and I don't wanna be the only odd one out here!

So please..
wb team..

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