Tricky tricky question.

As many people, as many answers. And not one of them correct, or incorrect.
I'm not even going to attempt an answer, not here at least. But I do want to know yours.
What is it that you really need to be happy?

I was quite in the mood for an intellectually stimulating conversation this evening. Actually, quite starved for it. Life has become too drudge and stressed of late. Too much to do, too little leisure to ponder, and practically nobody to help. Conversationalists like me will die, what less!
So I asked a friend what he really needed to be happy and he never got a step ahead of the good food and lots of sleep step. Sure they're important, but just that much? Is it all? He won't say anymore, primitive aadivasi that he has become, but I want to know what is it that makes different people happy. Maybe the aadivasi is indeed content with that, but happy? Lock him in a room with a comfortable bed and adequate supply of good food forever and he'd be happy? Maybe...people are strange. But I have my doubts.

So you answer me, please. Honestly.

Then I'd fire the other questions I'm playing in my mind with. :P

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