What are moral values??
Are they bound by religious assumptions or family implications... Or the what society takes in right sense.. What if my thinking is not guided by any of the above ?? Am I a person without moral values..?
What if I do not consider occasional drinking wrong, what if i think that having male friends is almost like having female friends, that going out at night is as safe as during the day, that late night calls are not distracting me from me.. Am i morally wrong if I want to colour my hair, want a permanent tattoo, want to wear hot pants ??? I know my limits and I know how to protect myself.. Is it my mistake the people around me do not have broad horizons ??? They stare at a passing girl as if they haven't ever seen a girl in their lifetime. What about their morals.. My morals are not steady or morals of those who still do not consider girls par to men.. Who still consider that women are borm only to give pleasure to bastards who don't have anything else to do in their lives except for commenting on moral obligation of girls..
I have an individuality and i want others to know that I want to live on my own terms.. No society has any right to comment on what i wear, where i go, with whom i am, what i eat..
Am i asking for anything which constitution denies ??? Or anything which hurts the sentiments of others.. I have moral values and i abide by them, but I do not consider conservatism morals...

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