What an anonymous writer wants from the world?
He obviously doesn't want the sympathy.
He don't want to be pitied,neither he wants the fame.He just wants some one to listen to him.The feelings embedded deep inside the heart,the imaginations of his mind wandering in the sky ,the soul wandering in search of solace.
He doesn't want reputations scoring sky,he just wants the number of unique visits to increase.He doesn't want to be talked of ...he just wants to be heard.The encryptions of his mind might have been hilarious to make some one "Rofl" or might have made some one cry his heart out.This is the reason some writers want to be just anonymous.Just to enjoy the moment of an emotional narrator who talks from his heart,in a hope that someone will pray to Almighty for the soothing of his sores.He never worries for his reputations nor he ever worries for the score of his posts.He just can't help writing.Of course if this platform never existed,he would have taken out his heart on the paper but he wouldn't have got this much prayers in his favour to the God.He would never been able to show it up to anyone in the living world.Thus by being anonymous ,he can be spared from the brutal world outside there.Of course the whole world is not like that but still, any person , once injured, becomes very cautious in his words and actions.The writing is a great painkiller to such writers and it is very difficult to get over that without writing.Behind this anonymous writer ,exists a wounded heart.He just wants some of the pain to be drained out of him this way.He knows that this is not the solution to his problem but still, he gets some relief from writing.He could have talked that to any one but as all of us know ,the people get judgemental on the mention of some words.Those people don't understand the difficulty to understand the plight without going through it.
Never judge any person just by his words without knowing his injuries.Sometimes an external appearance can be very deceptive so the anonymity is the true face,The true face of his heart,true picture of the personality revealed to every one but sans the Name............Only one name....Anonymous.Thats what matters for the heart,Open to every one and yet to none.

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