I was getting impatient. This cursed internet connection was really getting on my nerves. I no longer had connection; and that meant that I no longer could chat with my girlfriend. Calling her was dangerous at home, since mom was always around. But I was determined to talk to her. So, a rather ‘need lots of guts’ idea popped into my mind; let’s visit her at home..

I formed a plan and rechecked it. If everything went according to it, neither I nor she would be in trouble. Firstly, I told mom that I was going to meet a close friend as I need help for an essay. She said I should be home in 2 hours!! Two hours is more than I expected.. I set off to meet my love, ignoring the heavy rainfall and storm-like wind..

Had that freaking internet connection not got busted, Things would have been easier. Bloody connection!!! >_<..

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