It rained this morning. It actually did!
The sky was dark and heavy with clouds. I looked outside my bedroom window holding my cup of ginger tea. And it suddenly began drizzling.

I couldn't take my eyes off the opposite balcony where the little, sweet two year old guy danced to and fro relishing the rain. He screamed excitedly. I wanted to do too.

His slightly older sister stood on her white plastic chair, collecting the rain drops into her tiny palms happily. She gave her dad sitting in his dark living room a running commentary. The little fella ran up and down like mad.
I watched, heart in mouth, as she leaned out over the balcony rail onto the ground below. Oh Oh..please someone notice! Thankfully she climbed back down.
She then took the wiper and began wiping away the accumulating water. While the fella looked away.
How easy this comes to girls! She ran in tired with the effort.

Finally the old grandma, head covered with blue cotton saree, appeared out of the blue. She peered out at the rain, now on a diminishing spree..and cupped her tiny grandson's face in her palms.
She peered out again...maybe remembering how she, ages ago, played in the rain too.

I looked away at the gulmohur. It's saddened by the fact that summer's going on vacation and her flowers now would become dull and lifeless. Her fiery beauty already on the wane..she mulled over her uncertain future. Her brief engagement with summer had been called off.

Three crows sat on the topmost branch, swaying from side to side. Like bosses in deep discussion in a crucial meeting. The water left them drenched from head to toe. They sat sullenly, unhappy with the sudden turn of events. They didn't want to bathe so soon!
One crow flapped his wings, sprinkling water all over his dismal colleague. The other retaliated and soon all were flapping their bodies in the rain.

I'm still sipping tea..drinking in the glorious sight..any Mumbaiite would die to have..after months of extreme humidity. Then suddenly rain walked away in a huff. She's had enough. Of those haughty crows. Their body language said it all..she noticed. (Reminded me of Wb:))

It got humid again. But still dark. Clouds refused to toe rain's line. They were just fine.

I went somewhere with my sonny, it was still dark and humid. Just as I returned home, rain lost her voice and clouds started pouring. And how!
It poured and poured as I and sonny waded our way through slushy puddles in little huddles here and there. I felt like a kid again! I took in the clear, fresh smell..looked around at the variety of trees, flowers over fences, big mangoes over tiny dwarfish trees..grass looked much greener.

I returned home refreshed.
Feeling much like the little fella in the morning.
Only I couldn't dance up and down.

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