I just glanced through the early 2012..just launched wb posts ..hey they were good! Whatever happened to those writers? They are glaringly missing out here.
Funny and original. I think that's how all good things begin.

Oct '12..I appear on the scene..polls are scanty..234 views with five polls..a 'speechless' was as rare as manmohan Singh's utterance..or ever laughing sidhuji's disappearance!

Early to middle of 2013...posts inviting people to fight appear..nasty comments..threats of folk leaving..but none actually does..they keep peeping into wb..to see if anyone misses them..

Hot summer ..soothing wb confines.
Era of pen names begins..folk come up with funny nicknames..
Some keep changing it fortnightly..
Book writing gathers speed. Most preferred to read them free.
'Fifty rs for a book? Too much' some shook their empty heads and held onto their kanjoos wallets.

Late 2013..cool weather on wb..folk turn cold..some leave in a huff..nibbling on a puff..
Era of wb friends turning into fb mates begins.
Flicker becomes flame..
Fights follow.. misunderstandings galore.
Tempers soar.
Some wished they never ever wrote.
One late nightly woman woos men..till they flee embarrassedly..

Early 2014..
hummer boy comes of age..attains puberty..chases wb gals with greater vigor..
One protests..others join in..admin is strangely silent..
Maybe pondering over new technical additions to the site..
Funny pen names..bum..steel faced..make me roll..

But class of 2014 stands united..lovingly..encouragingly..propping up faltering writers up back onto their feet..nasty commentators are vanquished...copy cats are receding to the background..
Hmmmmm..that was my report card..from a nontechnical point of view..
That's all for now..good night.

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