I joined this site the last August.Infact,Wb is the first social networking site I ever joined.No doubt,my writing has improved a lot since then.There's a lot of difference the way I wrote then and the way I write now.

Beyond writing,people here have taught me a lot many things.I would not like to mention any names here.

My first ever friend on wb.
We got connected through each others writing.In a matter of two days,we exchanged numbers and for a month we talked for hours every day.He used to guide me in improving my writing and also he made me strong walking through every mile in my life.Everything changed with time.We were on our own in the next 30 days.What went wrong ,even I don't know.It was for the first time I learnt to let go people whom I actually got attached to.I was late but,I realised not everyone is meant to stay for the whole life.
Thanks to that person.

Since then,many of them entered my life through wb.A few left because I dint exchange number.A few left because I dint reciprocate the way they wanted.A few left without even leaving a note.At every point there have been too many goodbyes.Thanks to these people as each one of them taught me what I never knew.

There have also been people who never walked away from my life ,though they dint promise to stay and those who promised to stay always left.I met people who stood by me being my sister and brother and a few stood being a friend,being a constant support.Thanks to you people too.

People came,people left but what remained unchanged is my interest in reading and writing here.

Wb being a social networking site for readers and writers ,I read ,I socialize and I write.

Writing is fun :) I will keep writing :)

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