Nowadays i love being on wb..

After nearly a two month break, during which i gathered my wits around me from shackles of daily writing..i finished most pending household chores..see hubby smiling..made some awesome khana..played some awesome gana..
Developed critical movie observation.. I now know prithvi's every move! His every wrinkle line haha.

Once i peeked into wb..but it didnt captivate me ..strangely..
Weeks restless..
Wouldn't fact couldn't.. Felt very much like the princess in that story who wouldn't laugh..howmuchever her dad tried making her..

I discovered something..if writing is addictive..then not writing is too!
I never wished to write again. I felt old.
Hair turned grayer.Frown lines deeper.

But thanks to this guy's mail..i chanced upon it one day..
I did a rethink..

Am so glad i did.
In fact wb has gone thru a sea change. Awesome writers..polling ..
Less fights..more patchups..
Yes hummwalas are around..
Ignore them..they, like tigers, are getting extinct.
So its their last minute attempt at self preservation.

Anyway its fun being back..feeling youthful again..
I read some fantastic posts today.
Thanks wb..
With u around..never a boring day.

P.s..(if u feel tired out here..take a break..dont crib..dont leave! )

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