Now folk, whats with the whatsApp???

A new but dangerous trend, I may say, knowing I raised a few youthful eyebrows. Well, a group made me a part of it on whatsApp recently. I hesitated, then gave in. But now I want to get out of it real fast.
For when I last checked my mobile, the group had messaged 430 messages in all! The chat was initiated with the intention of interacting with one another in the new lingo we were learning, but instead they talked of everything under the sun instead. The TV serials, comedy shows..with someone butting in with incomprehensibly crazy jokes.

What? I mean why? Are they all day on this crazy app? Don't they have any other meaningful thing to do?

I attended class today. The whatsApp group now very well acquainted with one another, chatted and talked aloud on the last few benches, disturbing the entire class. A slim and svelte girl, she seemed to be popular, kept cracking coarse jokes, making me silently vow to myself that I'd sit anywhere next time, but NOT in front of her.
The way they went about doing their class work, bursting out into unnecessary laughter from time to time, the hidden glint in the eyes while they glanced at one another, the inane queries to the teacher(she was bugged too) and the resulting madness made me want to desperately get out of this insane group!

I keep watching youngsters group chatting almost every where I go. Their eyes so glued to the screen, mind fixated on each comment, a half smile playing on their faces..I wonder how they get time to do any creative thing at all all day?
I feel it's a time wasting technique that some harebrained idle guy invented!

I'm not too much into it.
How about you?

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