Whenever I attend funerals, I often hear folk saying, "What a good man he was, or she was."
Then the weeping would follow.

Suppose there was a notorious man lying in that casket, would anyone say, "Worst fellow I ever knew?" But the comments would still be something good about him. Though the speaker would have had to rack his brains really hard to find something worthwhile to speak about the rascal.

Earthly qualifications are rarely mentioned, when someone dies. "He was so and so, working for so and so firm...." Or even "How rich he was...." never leaves the mourner's lips.

But weddings are different, where the focus is on the riches, status and wealth of the bride and groom's family. So little importance is attached to their purity of character.

So here he lies in the grave, taking nothing with him. But only the good he had ever done on earth. The lives he blessed, the tears he wiped, the goods he shared. Only those would go with him into eternity.

Was then his earthly pursuit, bereft of time for building his relationships, his character or even connecting with his Maker worth it?

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