A dear friend brought up this topic in her post today. The born again issue.
So thought of penning this..friends, do please take it in a nice way.

Sometimes we think we were this..we were perhaps that in our pichla janam.
Maybe some guy was a cockroach..that's why he keeps pestering us in our kitchens. Or some friend had been a venomous snake..she keeps giving us nightmares.

But are we really into multiple births and deaths? Has it been going on for millions of years? A friend of mine said he needed to go through multiples of rebirths to finally attain to God likeness.
By that time he'd be so exhausted. He wouldn't want to live..leave alone being God-like.

Well, if I were a buffalo in the last one, how come I'm human now? Or was I a buffalo in the pichle ka pichle ka pichla one..then finally I evolved into a human now?

Hey, we are humans born with more intelligence than any species on earth. God made us with a definite purpose. To know Him and become like Him. That too in THIS life only. That's the highest purpose for our lives. Can you believe that?

Yes I can. Knowing Him all these years, I definitely know He loves me and has a greater purpose for all human race than we can ever fathom. Please..don't believe that we were insects before or we will become some animal in the next one, based on works we did in this life. Animals are born without a spirit. They are born..they die. No eternal life for them.

There's only ONE life. That's the one that we have now. We never had a PAST one. We die and we are gone. Never to come back again. We go into eternity..our souls NEVER die...It's not OUR works that determine our future, but HIS work. We just need to believe HE paid the price and simply accept His forgiveness of our sins.

The choices we make in this present life determines where we head to in the next one. Like do we believe Him or we reject Him completely? That choice determines Heaven or Hell for all eternity.
Our bodies die but spirits live on for eternity without end.
Hence it's so important to know Him all the more..in order to become more like Him. Display His qualities..His love..His passion.

May we really seek Him while we are still here..
maybe tomorrow will be too late!

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