Mom watches soaps like uttaran...
i say to her...
'ma that's not even anymore fun'...
she looks at me and points towards my lappy...
as if whatever i am i watching that's not making her happy...
then there is my grandma...
with whom battle for the remote is like a well rehearsed drama...
she watches Nirmal baba ka darbar for hours...
but whenever i listen to mtv...
she says "that is just noise not melodious like ours"...
Ma and grandma gang up on me when they see or hear yo yo honey singh...
They think he looks like a gangster running a mafia ring...
after 10 it is my father's rule...
while i sit at the couch looking like a fool...
he thinks the living room is his kingdom...
he's wrong coz his only subject is boredom...
The war for the remote sometimes stinks...
Coz after winning i feel like a disgraced prince...
As the day ends that memory fades...
it all starts again coz history repeats itself...

Tags: Self

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