Ladies n gentlemen..

How to begin..I donno..
But I wish to suggest few changes on Wb.
Wait..the tomatoes n eggs can wait..first listen..

Can't we have a CHAT window? Showing green dot ...instead of those red messages signalling attention?
It's irritating when we want to converse something important with someone and we keep waiting for minutes to get the other fellow to respond..some folk don't respond at all.
It happens on FB too..
but at least it says.." typing."

Can't we upload our profile picture? At least we will know who's who.
I will rest assured the fella I'm talking to..maybe just listening to, is 45 and NOT 25 as he pretends he is:)

We should get to know who's online... writing or reading..
then we can quickly log off and run away if the gal or boy is of the scary variety..

We should have a Wb virtual SHOWER..where all hot headed people get a chilled jet of water poured onto their heads to the tune of ..'just chill'

If anyone starts a fiery debate, not listening to sense, then an alarm should go off in the admin cabin.
Peep..peep.. at least they will wake up and send the guy packing.

We should be able to upload our photos from time to time.
Like how we looked last year this time..but now exactly one year later how grey we grew ..simply writing!

We should have some space for status updates.
One can vent it out each day in few need for diary or post.

We urgently need a 'like'(green) button..also 'dislike'(red)button... for comments.
Once a person sees the red light, he gets wary of his comments.

We need a Wb whistle and make all errant babus fall in line.

Thank you for listening,
Yours fatefully,
A Wb fan.

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