3 friends in the dusk of their lives used to meet at an archaic, town pub. They would sit together, under the murals on the walls which they believed was god’s own eyes that spared them from all evil and gossip all day long. One ominous, dull afternoon they sat together, anxiously staring at a wall notice. It was a court notice, which said, because of its weary condition and the danger it posed to its visitors it should be brought down. It wasn’t a good news for the three friends as they sat dwelling upon what would they do once the pub was gone. As they dueled on deciding a new location, one of the friends rose up and scratched of the court notification and shouted ‘We won’t let this happen. As such we have no motives in our lives, why not save our altar of friendship’. The smoking guy, who happened to be a retired lawyer, raised a toast to his friends thought and nodded. Three months later they still meet at the same pub, only to review their actions for the next court hearing. Who knows which will fall first? The pub or these men of autumn.

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