Who am I,
to sit by your side,
in utter emptiness, just hoping you to please,
letting my own emotions freeze,
for what dear? Do i awake all night,
wanting just a sight, which to you is unfair, not right,
For what do I heed to your requests,
of staying away and why I keep my own unheard,
curled up in the fear on pangs of separation
you would gift me with..
Or is it just my thought that gives pains
and not what you intend to gain
after the hurt..
Why after a thousand sorries,
heart still is unable to believe,
If only the thing inside was heartless,
and no matter how hard you make it cry,
it laughs at you instead.
If only there wasn't a thing named love
There indeed, wouldn't be any sobs...

Tags: Tragedy

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