exactly a year before....i had decided to forget you..and am still there...i can actually never move on..you were,you are and you still are the love of my life.....you are the one i wanna live my life with..the one i wanna die with....but i know you never understood it and you'll never understand.......its ok..just ok if you cant give me that special place in your heart...but atleast dont behave as if you never knew me....atleast be my friend.......dont block the ways through which i always find you and come to you....every time i'll find a new way..a new path to find you...you know,neither can you stop me from finding you..nor can you stop me from loving you......i promise you that i'lll never disturb you again but let me remain as something and not nothing in your life......just a little corner.............if not in your heart ,atleast in your life...........................thats all i want....new year but not new me........i am still waiting for the past to repeat itself...i am waiting for you....i am waiting for you and me to be us again....

still the old me..the old feelings but new hope...waiting for the old you...my you....the person who loved me...the one for whom i was someone more than noone...someone more than anyone...your special one......

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