"Don't EVER fall in love",she reiterated.
Peering down at the class through rimmed glasses,jovial at times,otherwise very strict...
Our English teacher.

Was she warning us of impending doom?
Did she mean me,when she uttered those-immortal words.

I cannot tell you folk how thankful I am to this wonderful woman whom God used, to speak into our lives.
Most of us listened carefully.
By God's grace we concentrated on what was important.
Our studies.
Our future.

I don't want to be seen as a pessimist.
But why waste important,early years of our lives on trivial matters?
In plain words.
That is what it is.

The term 'Falling' denotes how sudden it is.
No explanation.
You fall headlong into a ditch for instance.
You 'fall' in love.

You were so blind,head in the clouds,heart dizzy with inexplicable excitement,that you were heading straight into a pit.
You never thought an instant about tomorrow.
By the time you realized,it was too late.
He or she left you suddenly,leaving that huge gaping hole in your life.
You wished you'd never given yourself away.
Preserved your sanity.
Sense of self worth.
He wasn't meant for you.

Going back to our teacher,she's no more.
Her son paid scant heed to her words.
And married a lovely girl from the other community.
He had fallen in love.
Reason for her sudden demise?
I don't know.

You are older,wiser now.
Carved yourself a niche.
The right time has come.
Your dream partner has arrived.
You're glad you waited!

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