This evening I visited a dentist who lived nearby, on a friend's suggestion.
She happened to praise him to the skies..
'He's good and lots of folk visit him..he's nice to talk to too,' she said.
So I thought why not pay him a visit?

We were late.
But I was shocked to discover that his clinic was situated in a seedy locality.
There were two people (lots?) waiting outside.
Seeing us peering in, the elderly man(the dentist really) asked us to go in.
The room was filthy. There was a huge machine kept there, but the surroundings were so dirty, I felt like puking.
It wasn't swept for ages.

'Please remove your slippers,' he suggested.
We complied and left them outside..wondering why he asked us to..seeing the state of his clinic!

The elderly man, (was he a quack?) caught hold of an instrument kept on his table, examined my tooth, muttered something about extraction with a grave face. He was abrupt in his speech.
Hubby grew uncomfortable by the minute.
'Let's go.'
We paid him Rs 100 for his 'expert' advice, took the receipt and fled.
Next time I'll pay two hoots to my friend's advice!

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