Hope you know what I mean.
Loose motion of words.
Absolutely no control of what one says.
Seen more among women than in men.

"In a multitude of words there's no lack of sin."
Some truth in this.
For when we start off talking and cannot end, its like letting off water gushing with mighty force through a tap, without knowing how to shut it off.
Or even like starting a car, going full speed and then forgetting how to apply the brakes.

More words carry more potential for gossip, bitter, hateful speech.
Therefore its so much wiser to know when to bring our conversation to a standstill.
"A prudent man withholds his words."
Wow again.

I've traveled with women who speak nonstop in the car.
Their entire story in one go.
I realized it was their way of showing how much they need someone just to listen to them, acknowledge them.
Some do it on the phone, going into great unnecessary detail.
They just need to come to the point. Straight.
I wish I could sometimes tell them, "Hey, my ear's aching. You need to stop."
But that would devastate them.

They're usually borne the first time, somehow the second but then shunned totally.
So please friends, if you belong to this tribe, do make a quick resolution.
That you'd clamp your mouth shut.
For it's better to keep our mouth shut and be known as fools, rather than open it and remove all doubt!

I wonder if we writers belong to this category too.
I mean when I write nonstop for months together.
Please do tell me if you are bored.
Is it called Writer's diarrhoea?

Is there any effective pill for this ailment?
Both verbal and written?
I know one is self control.
Is there one easier?
Doctor, is there any?

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