it is a very usual thing for people to say
if you fall u'll get hurts but what about the floor
or the thing that you might damage
(even might not literally mean it)
is this how much you value life
for god sake we are humans
we are supposed to be the best creatures on the earth
but behave the worst
it is not only towards animals that we are cruel
but also towards our own species
the very race that we are so proud of
we have been killing the earth ever since
we came on it
can we realize the value of something
when we do not have it
every life on earth is precious
even of the animals and plants
though they do not have any souls
but many a times our actions make us
soulless and heartless
is there no meaning to our very existence on this earth
instead of being greatfull to every thing around you
you go destroying it
how wonderful will it be
a world where every one are same
where animals and humans would live like a family
where there would be no hatred fight
and only peace and love
try to value life
as we are of the species
known as THE LIVING

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