While my brother's visit to India, he shared with me an enormous amount of Ghost stories all of which can definitely shake you to the roots.

Here is one of them, while he takes over the narration.

"Slimy haas!"

"Stop calling me that!!" I shouted at him.

"Well, are you ready for a story??"

"Yea..! Horrific one..!!" i said, my eyes glittering. I am a big fan of them!!

"So what do you do when you are alone?"

"Internet. My friend. I wud look up biographies of novelists and writers, and keep myself engaged with books and all."

"If you had to be alone for the whole day?"

"I would be so glad!!" I said, thinking secretly, that I wud keep on mailing my boyfriend and chat with my friends (of course if xams aren't on the head)..

"Well there was a girl like you, whose both parents were working, unlike yours, of course. But she was like you in the sense that she loved to stay alone and keep herself engaged. Night or day, she was never afraid."

I smiled. He was again using it, i thought. 'Would it too end in a punchline'? I didn't know, but let him amuse me.

"Although there was some concern about leaving a young girl in a house all by herself, they knew she was sensible and would behave. And besides, she did have the pet Alsatian dog to look after her and keep her company.

The parents left for the night, leaving Emergency phone numbers and supplies for the night. The girl was thrilled to be spending her first night alone in her parents house and mainly watched TV until 11.00 rolled round.

Deciding she was tired she moved upstairs to her comfy bedroom to retire for the night. Her trusty Alsatian dog following her all the time."

"Then??" I asked, looking straight.

"After being asleep for a short time she awoke to a dripping noise coming from the bathroom. Not afraid, but curious as to what the noise was she lowered her hand down beside her bed to gain a little comfort from the Alsatian. She felt the warmth of his soft tongue as he licked her hand, showing her that he was O.K and that everything would be alright. Feeling assured she drifted off to sleep once more.

Waking once again to the sounds of the dripping tap, or whatever it was, in the bathroom she instinctively dropped her hand down to pet her dog. Once again her dog offered up the loyal companionship that only a much trusted and loved pet can, and licked her hand and she once again fell asleep.

For the last time she woke up again, that annoying noise was still going, she reached for her dog but found he wasn't there. Wondering where her parents were at this time of night (it was about 3.30am by this time) and looking for her dog she walked out into the bathroom.

A horrifying sight met her, the dog had been mutilated and was creating the dripping noise, as blood slowly fell and pooled on the floor below. Screaming she ran back through the house and attempted to call the police. The phone was dead, and she turned to suddenly see her parents also mutilated behind her. Her screams could be heard as she looked down at a note written in blood, which read:
"Humans Can Lick Too My Beautiful"."

I didn't really have anything to say. Once again, he got me freaked out. o.O

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