The building stood tall, glowing in the sun. The tinted windows with their same blue glow reciprocating the facade of vast sky as clear and translucent as a prism, stood the same after 2 months, since the day she saw them first and till present day.
She took a deep breath, nerves under control, adjusted the slinging bag on right shoulder and stepped via concrete slide leading towards the heart of the building. Only 15 days to go, she thought while ascending steps. Each step reminded her the day she saw the green shiny mopped floors a month and half ago on a sultry may day. same steps had were a default case that didn't think twice before inviting her stomping, hurrying steps each day time and again.
She had reached. The third floor, she stood facing the library that stood consuming a whole section of the building with glass-tinted to allow natural light yellow rays leaving no hope for a visitor to differentiate between a reading room, whether it was inside a concrete structure or resting in the outdoors's chest.
She turned, fiddling in her sling bag, searching for the key card entered into the laboratory. A summer research fellow at a prominent Bangalore facility, nevertheless a rather unknown facility to many not so learned beings, she stopped suddenly.
She remembered what once she was told about attachment and love and its amalgamation. Such thing now resided in her soul and scared and terrified her to the core.
Would I be able to leave this facility as I came whence? Will I be able to adopt the welcome treatment that I'd get back home? Is this attractive lab and its peculiarities getting the better of me? Who am I, what was I before I ventured to this nest.

Her hand trembled, breath turned shallow, mind numb and feet shook making her stance unsteady. She dropped on the nearby wooden bench resting her elbows with her face in her palms and pushed her thoughts into a calm, thoughtless ocean of peace. be continued!

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