It was after such a long time when I saw him, sitting beside me, on the driver's seat and I was next to him, adoring him with the never lasting love and desire in my eyes. His habit of joking and making me laugh still did not fade and with him, after a long time, I laughed, genuinely. We shared not only laughs, but also silence. For silence speaks louder than words, you look into someone's eyes and they know what you want to say.
We met after a year and a half, long time, no? And what better than mother nature herself to help me make the moment awesome, she showered her love on us. It started raining, quite heavily. We were trapped inside the car, but hey, were we really trapped? What else could I have asked but this? Was I not the happiest at the moment? Well, I was about to be.
We jumped out of the car, and ran towards a nearby tea stall, and asked for bun maska and masaala chaai. The very first rain of the season and you get to spend it with the man you love, well, ladies, wait up. There's more to come!
We sat on the cylinder shaped rocks and started sipping tea. We asked about each other and how had life been and other such useless stuff. Inside my mind, all I wanted to say was "Listen dude, shut up, I love you" but no, was it that easy? Noways.
after discussing the nth useless detail of our lives, and politics, and entertainment, and current movies and fantasies, and recent fuck-ups, and flings, and career, well, it was time to go back to the car and then to our respective homes.
We came back, he started driving, and I ..? I was bloody looking at him, trying not be noticed.
"I... I want to say something." "Still?" He joked. "Yes, from a very long time" aaaaaaaaaandddd.. pfffffffffffuuuuuuuuuussshshhhhhhh I wake from my dream, straight up.
Well, second time unlucky! No?

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