My blood's blanching, i am going insane
Let the adrenalin flow via my veins
I am tired of sitting in rain
Of holding this feeling inside. I can't contain my emotions
I can't restrain myself, explain myself.
Nothing you can do will ever help.
My anger percolates
I am so irate
You can't relate to what you desecrate
And so i wait to name your fate
You can't stop my fist before it hits your face
You can't run away when you're running in place.
You'll be gone without a trace
You are such a disgrace to me
You are living a tragedy
You think you can hide?
You're fireside
Feel the heat
You said you'd beat me
You said you'd defeat me
Truth be told, you can't see me
You can never be me!!
You think you can top me
but you won't be able to stop me.

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