Face the challange boldly ,
there is a lot of unpleasant
situations in life.The optimist thinks ,
"Life is just a bowl of cherries",
Some of the cherries may be sour.

Marcus Aurelius, One of the wises rulers of
the Roman Empire, wrote in his dairy.
"I am going to meet people today who
talk too much and they are selfish,ungrateful.
But I would not be surprised or disturbed,
for I could not imagine a world without
such people ".

How will one handle these unpleasant situations ,
conditions, and people.
Be willing to have it so.Acceptance of
what has happened is the first step in overcoming
the consequences of any misfortune.
Acceptance of what now is happening
and cannot reasonably be prevented.
And also what may be expected inevitably
to happen in the future.
Be willing to have it so,
Donot fight it - if you cannot beat - ACCEPT.
Then adjust , when Fate closes one door.
Faith opens another. Seek the open door.

The other kind of unpleasantness,
where a problem can and must be solved
Most of the situations are not really unpleasant.
We should have a possitive approach.
Write down what the problem is,
Write it down exactly, concisely.
" A Problem well stated is a problem half solved. "
Half the worry in the world is caused
by people trying to make decisions before
they have suffient knowledge on which
to base a decision. If a man will devote
his time to securing knowledge in an impartial way
his worries will evaporate in the light of knowledge.
Be sure you know the exact causes of the
unpleasant situation and a problem before try to
solve it.
Be prepared to handle the inevitable unpleasant
conditions, situations and people which
are a part of every life and be able to overcome
such problems which constantly comes your way.

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