Now this time i thought i have found the right girl. She was sweet, pretty, innocent and had the best smile a girl can have.

She was playing with her hair when i first saw her and she was the prettiest girl i have ever seen. It was her simplicity that amazed me.
She was sitting alone and i don't know how i got the guts to ask her out but i did.
I introduced myself and asks her name. She told me her name and other details about her life. In another 20 minutes she told me almost everything about her life,from her childhood till date just like the trailer of a movie.
She gave me her number and i used to call her almost everyday every now and then.

Then one day she told me that her parents have already found a boy for her and the engagement is due next month.She also told me that she don't want to hurt her "parents feelings". This was by far the worst news of my life.I don't know what to do that time because it was too shocking a news for me.
Her smile was like a virus and i was already infected with that.

Now that she is engaged to the guy she don't like and i'm still in a relationship with her which has no future. Now my friends think that i'm crazy and this is not right. But what they can't understand is that i can do everything just to look her smile. Every time i see her i forget all the worries i am surrounded with.

I know that one day and that day is not too far, she is going to be someone's wife....but still i cannot forget her. Even if i'm wrong i just want to be with her for some more time.

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