when you look me in the eye,
I feel the rest of the world is just so dry.

whenever i think of you,
my eyes turn red and my face turns blue.

Sometimes you can smell the purple color of the grape,
but if it doesn't taste sweet, its a waste.

Its the same way with you,
no matter, how much you love me and i love you,
there is not a single time you made me feel its true.

Since i know you always want best for me,
i always try being happy, the way u want me to be.

You make huge mistakes, and then i feel like saying goodbye,
but you also know, my heart would rather die.

Maybe, i know what you feel and its just the opposite of that, the way you act.
And make it so difficult for me to understand what is false and what is the fact.

I love it when you call me, and my cellphone plays that song,
I close my eyes and dream of you and me singing along.

when i wake up, everything seems so bare.
then i suddenly realize that sweet dreams don't always come true, SO UNFAIR!!

Tags: Love, LIFE

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