Sitting on top of my car, Looking up at the sky,
Gazing at all the stars, Thinking of your eyes.
I wish you were here with me, Right by my side
with your arms around me. I miss everything
about you, Including your touch. I love the way
you make me feel Like there is a reason I'm
here. I don't know what I would do without you.
I hope to never have to find out. You mean so
much to me. You're the reason for everything
that I do. I close my eyes now, Picturing our
first kiss.. The way i held you so close And you
cradled your head. A smile appears on my face
As I start to remember your embrace. I finally
decide to go to sleep So that I can see your
beautiful face. I climb into bed and hold my
pillow close Acting as if it is your body. I can't
wait anymore, I want you to be my wife and
want to fall asleep every night, next to your
heart And wake up every morning by your soft
kisses and touch!

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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