Under the dark sky, in the dull gray night
Looking at those dots which twinkle bright
I'm reminded of the light that once prevailed
When the ship of my life beautifully sailed

Cheers around and each face was known
Each morning the smiling sun beautifully shone
Not dim,nor red but of the perfect hue
When life was about us-me and you.

Happy together and perfect to the 'T'
We knew we met coz we were meant to be

It was a bond so strong, a hold so tight
I knew you were the one- my 'Mr. Right'
Our lives entwined to be as one
Upon the journey that we had just begun

And then one day fate played a dirty game
The love was dead and nothing just the same
With you all my dreams looked like coming true
But you robbed me of those,what can i now do?

You brought everything to an end and said
You want me no more
Swept out of your life like the dust on the floor
Now,I sit here heart broken with nobody to blame
Coz the reason why it happened doesnt have a name

I acted as if i hated you and was as rude as could be
I told you i wont forgive you ever for what you did to me
But, I'm tired of trying to hate you, Tired of acting strong
Tired of crying myself to sleep and tired of calling you wrong!

You stole my heart,took it away and broke it into two
What surprises me is that u always felt U loved me more than I do!

But Today, In this gray night, while you conveniently sleep,
Here i am, remembering you and consoling my heart that weeps.

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