We_ the human beings!
Do we really know what is the meaning of that word ?? I think this is what we are forgetting with the passage of time. Now it seems to me, in future, the human beings will be differentiated from other creatures merely as "two legged creatures" ! Yes, this seems to be true to me.
Now, here arises another point, "the writer is very pessimist" !! No, or may b yes! But the reality is reality! Accepting the realities is not pessimism, but pessimism is when "all hopes dead" condition arrives!
Anyways, I am not here to justify my own self. I just want to write... and when I look around myself, then I see a hell lot of people speaking of different things! Often passing their weird compliments on me.. The best I can do is to ignore them! Because they cannot decide about me because they are not wearing my shoes! But, sometimes one gets frustrated of letting others speak and keeping quite one-self!
We are so strange! I just cannot understand the complex nature of different people therefore I chose to stay away from them as much as I can! because it is better for me to never understand them rather than misunderstanding them!
Not only this, I have seen weird kind of creatures (inhumane human beings). I don't know what they think of themselves, but they are just so "callous" that they don't even bother to understand the value of those whom they exploit! I wonder how can one be so brave to do things one is not allowed to do by the biggest of all_ Allah!
I just cannot understand how can one be so soul-less that he forgets his own self!
No more words, just that I am sick of this MEAN, COLD WORLD!
I don't care neither do I pay heed to what others do or think about me! I just want to ask them, why making me the victim of their deeds even when I have done them no harm ?
I don't know, whether to ask them or to ask HIM that why so ? I have no problem of "with me" but I still have not get that why only pains?

PS: it is never easy to understand "human beings"! still we are forgetful of ourselves!

Tags: Human beings

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