"Don't worry about what you'll eat or drink, or what you shall wear. Look at the birds who neither sow nor reap. The lilies, so majestically clothed...if I could provide for them, how much more would I for you?"

I want to add, "where you go too" to the first line.
That was what I was doing. Worrying about how I'm gonna do it. Travel all the way to Coimbatore alone. From Mumbai.

Called for a conference there, it was my first trip to that place.
From the airport, there was still a two hour journey to make into the interior, where our resort was located.

Anxious as always, somehow I made it to the aircraft. "Help, me please. I'm all alone," I breathed a prayer.
Breakfast over, they took the trays away. Still an hour to go. I extricated my little book from my hand bag delicately. Opening it, I started to read.

"Is that the Bible?" the middle aged woman sitting right next to me, on my left, asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Where are you going?" She wanted to know.
"To this conference in Siruveni."

"What? Even I'm going there!" She exclaimed.
I've been praying hard to send me a companion on my journey as this is the first time I'm traveling alone." She added.

She was astounded on learning that I had made the same prayer too. She worked in Mumbai and was Goan.

We were both relieved now. We did reach our destination some hours later without any hassles.

That was also the last time I saw her. She melted away eventually into the large crowd.

I was amazed. It surely couldn't be coincidence.
How else would two anxious women, total strangers to each other, end up sitting side by side in an aircraft!
If it were not for His hand in this.

Our needs, definitely more valuable than a little bird's, would surely, miraculously be met.
If we could only trust Him.
And not worry.

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