It is really hard, to be a good student and yet having to wait. Working hard over years, refraining from relationships, studying your ass off and ending up in a mess.
To be honest, I've been working so hard all these years, being my parent's prized kid, winning debates, being the class captain, cracking olympiads nad all that stuff that I hardly got to make nay real friends.
But, I was happy, making my parents proud and it didn't even occur to me once taht I was misisng on something.
It's weird how intrests change. It has been just a year after I failed to crack JEE. Suddenly out of the blue, my mom slapped me hard, dad threw my phone away, and I found myself locked up in a room 24X7. I wasn't alllowed TV, or for that matter meting anybody but my immediate family and was expected to bbe ashamed of my behaviour.
Classmates and accquaintances kept calling in the first month, trying to figure out where I've been but eventually after repeated WRONG NUMBER answers from my parents, they left. Suddenly I was blamed For every problem in the home and I was reminded what a failure I was.
And I, dared not shed a tear, for it would lead to Mom feaking out, shouting like a maniac and ennding up either slapping me hard or giving me an hour long lecture of how worried my parents are.
Suddenly, I became a cause of shame for my family; the very people who have taken pride in everything I did even a year back. Now, every thing I do, is but a issue to them. I haven't talked to a single soul other than my parents and sister in a year.
It is a dIfficult life, But yeah I"m TRYING HARD

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