Consider Trying something new.

It was supposed to be a normal day, lined up mundane daily activities, eagerly waiting for me. I, as on any regular day, caught a bus bought a ticket and lucky me; found a clean empty seat. The window seat, my favorite one;so I can see the world outside as I travel. I was expecting something new, the place I was going was one I knew.

The earphone plugged-in my handset. Playing a symphony of Mozart the great, taking me away from cacophony of the world. Piano concerto No. 20 was on, which pulled me through the black hole in a different time-space.

I forgot I was going to buy a book, among thousands in Daryaganj market. The emotions in the song were so strong, I felt every pulse, every thread of the mink soft composition.

Living among the geniuses in literature, music and song. Am I privileged to understand them I thought, and interpret meaning of all. Maybe try a new cuisine and recognize another of those genius; like Tarla Dalal , et al.

Lost in my thoughts, obscured in the corner embracing casual nonchalance; I was happy to see places pass by. It's a story, that repeats itself, with fresh thoughts, characters & themes. Always changing & begging me 'come on, go out, make an effort cause there's something New to try'.

Tags: LIFE, Try

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