I'm so shocked by what happened in Delhi two days ago. I'm speechless. I shared this with my friend in the evening. Her two tiny daughters aged ten and twelve and son aged four overheard our conversation. I asked her if its okay for them to listen too. "Oh, yes, they need to know this too," she replied.

Seeing the regularity with which this stuff's happening, I think we must as a nation rise up in arms. The following steps should be taken urgently.

1) Since these perverts are greatly influenced by movies, let movies show women in a nice way. No exposing. Let them be shown as strong women, not weaklings with absolutely no say in anything. They MUST be portrayed this way. This will change the way future generations will look at them, since movies help shape the common man's perception so greatly.
No exposing of women as mere sex objects. Not just an item number. Hello, they are complete personalities in themselves.

2) The potential rapist, I'm very well sure, always begins his career as an eve teaser. He goes unchecked and finally graduates to be a rapist. Hence the laws should be absolutely strict against eve teasing in any form. He must be punished with a prison term of at least five years. Before that he must be subjected to some form of public humiliation so that he understands what the girl would have gone through. He must be paraded in public, shamed so badly through any means available, that he gets ashamed to show himself to society. He must feel the trauma, she's gone through because of him. But the measures must be to cause him emotional trauma more than physical.

3) The rapist must be publicly hanged. Quickest and sternest punishment to send out the strictest warning.

4) Make sex education compulsory from primary school level. Let parents educate the child at home too.

5) The crazy notion that women bring this on themselves because of the clothes they wear, is really outdated. If she chooses to wear what she wants, what's that to a man? Why would he think she's an invitation to himself? She's a person in her own right. A full grown adult. Not a toy to be played with, broken and then discarded. Why, she isn't bothered with what a man wears, right?

6) Stop the flow of alcohol in parties. I say, why not ban alcohol completely. I know you guys are up in arms already. But every crime is committed under its influence. So alcohol is an important culprit too. I know banning can only increase its demand. But at least don't make it so free flowing and accessible.

Well, at least let's make a start. Women are great. They are awesome, God's gift to mankind. Let's treat them with absolute dignity. Not with utter impunity.

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