To write or not to write is the question.
A perplexing question.

especially for me.
You know why?
Because I feel this intense itching in my fingers to pull someone's legs!

But today's Monday.
A bad day..
'cause all have to go to work.
So naturally they'd be in bad mood..and if I do masti..
they'd take it in bad humor..
and i'd then get it back!
a slap here a thrash there..
or even a new post on this irksome M..

so I think I'd wait..
maybe till tomorrow when things quieten down
and the dust settles on office files..

then I'd spring up like a jack-in-the box from their drawers to just say hi!!
or hide in the Wb cupboard and scream booooo when someone opens the door:)
stare from behind them into their bathroom they wash their sleepy morning faces..and chuckle to see their shocked xpression!
comment indecipherably on their posts..
heehaww..maybe just laugh aloud at their funny jokes..
or send 'em crazy anon messages..till they see a doctor..
or end up pulling their hair..

But I think I'll wait..
for today's dreadful Monday.

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