Hi there young man,

I saw your post one fine morning, fell in love with it..felt like the words were touching my heart..so then I began reading your words of inspiration..daily..like having my cuppa masala tea with my morning newspaper.

I thought to myself..wow..what a man! You must be some Sadhu Sant or something! I mean your words were profound, so selflessly written.

I became your admirer..till the day you commented nastily on your own post!
Even sadhus can make errors, I reasoned to myself.
So I forgave and kept reading on.

But then soon I realized most of your posts had already appeared elsewhere on the net!
That would mean only one thing.
You copy pasted them.
Now I'm losing whatever little respect I had remaining.

You should know that Wb encourages ORIGINALITY.
And if at all you pasted nice looking stuff here from else where, do please click on SHARED, a good looking spot right underneath your post.

At least that way, you will retain a bit of self respect, you would lose eventually by copy pasting!

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