Sitting in the bus, on the way to my office 
I was listening to some songs, my latest playlist. 
There was the soft sadness in his voice, and I felt lost 
My memory was rewound, and I stood in my past. 
How do I make you come back to me? 
Pray, what should I do? 
How do I make it stop, this growing void?
How do I convince(you)of my love for you?
How do I still breathe, when I see no trace of you?
When I have not heard your voice for a month or two? 
How do I keep myself sane, when even after an entire year, 
Not for a single moment have I stopped thinking about you. 
How do I survive this state of non-being? 
How do I protect myself from the idea of us? 
How do I make you come back to me? 
How do I start feeling anything again?

The song was over, and I got off the memory lane. 
If you ever did come in front of me, what would I say? 
Would silence be best? 
Or would a hint of a smile do? 
Would total neglect be the most reasonable thing to do? 
I'd probably pretend I was hallucinating and never look back at who I thought was you. 

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