every one among us i think would have passed across these kind of situations when one's heart really wants to say ....to kya main nachoo...
i saw a troll on fb where someone kept saying a man repeatedly ..yaar obama fir se america ka president ban gaya..n the guy said to kya main nachoo..ye le ye le...
and i think the same thing must have happened to many..it did happen to me..till then i didn't see the troll and the same thing popped up in my head and i felt like saying to kya main nachoo...:P..but i didn't n just said ok gud..
Few months back i was posted in Opthalmology deppt where a senior kept boasting about his clinic that how gud it runs and how much he has decorated it and how much he spent on furnishing and all the little details of his life and earning..being a junior i enjoyed his talks but someone opposite his chair yes his colleague who is not so tactful kind of person seemed to say the same words from core of his heart..to kya main nachoo..but alas he never said so..:P but i can remember his face and his expressions very well..
there is a batchmate of mine who would always come and say about all the things going around in world..actually in the campus..in short gossip..but the situation is a little different here when i sometimes say...to kya main nachoo..and its awsome when i say so.. cuz the expression on ones face after hearing this is wonderfull and one will never regret saying that..
so just try it once..say it out loud when you feel like saying and enjoy..:
p.s. condition applied do it at your own risk.. :P

Tags: Humor

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