To All Girls,

I tell you, don’t regret the things you have done or the
things you have chosen not to do. Smile, because you
never know who is falling in love with it. Let go of what
you can’t change; love deeply and forgive quickly. Many
people will walk in and out of your life, let them go - if
they were important their footprints will be left on your
heart. A happy heart, lets the face grow cheerful.
So this is my wish for you:
- comfort on difficult days
- smiles when sadness intrudes
- rainbows to follow the clouds
- laughter to kiss your lips
- sunsets to warm your heart
- hugs when spirits sag
- friendships to brighten your being
- beauty for your eyes to see
- faith so that you can believe
- confidence for when you doubt
- patience to accept the truth
- courage to know yourself
- love to complete your life (but till the Time You dun
find that Guy to tell You these... I'll always Wishing You
Good in life coz You are Beautiful in Your Own Way ♥)

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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