First of all, thank you Srijan. Since the day, you have introduced 'Gangs of WB' contest, people are polling on my old posts more and more! :P
It has been a very long time, since I wrote here. Dunno why. I dunno what's wrong with me. Yes! If I don't write for many days, then I can say there's seriously something wrong with me!

Coming to the point I say, I am missing something. I feel I am missing something in my life. Life is empty. I end the day, doing nothing productive. This is what I feel. Just empty.
I am mad. I am a mad girl. Yes, I am.
I regret. I repent now for now I realize the biggest mistake of my life. Yes like many, I too have committed a mistake, in fact a blunder. Oh!
March 4th 12:30 am, I committed the biggest mistake of my life by proposing him. Letting him know my feelings. Yes. I loved him n still I do n I always do. First love! Always d special. But, I did a mistake by letting him know all that.
Falling in love with someone, who can never b mine! Different traditions, culture, castes, food languages n what not! I have no idea whether he loves me or not, miss me or not and at least once in a day does he think of me? Forget once in a day, at least once a month or week?
I don't think so. I don't understand the meaning of relationships these days.
Forget it. The mistake I have done haunts me always. Why did I? Why?? I am numb to such thoughts. I am numb to such questions.
I hate myself for loving him madly! I hate!
I guess I had gone nuts while proposing him or now am I so?
My heart screams, it echoes but I am not able to pen them down.

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