I'm surrounded by loudspeakers. Three or four of them. Blaring many times a day.
At top of voice. To add to the vehicular noise.
Blah blaah blah...

I hear it out here too.
Please. Can u give us a break?
Spare us the heavy..hate spewing stuff?
Focussing on flaws and faults in one and all.

Can we have some more humour?
Why are u guys so serious?
Don't u find at least one thing funny around you?
Cant u upload one happy video..
One beauteous scene from your mind onto paper?

Y wanting to pull down folk
From their cosy pedestals
Y not instead identify
with the poor and helpless?

Why this long face?
Sad as though carrying the world on your shoulders?
Look at that kid giggling in his moms arms.
That's how u are safe in your heavenly fathers palms.
Why worry?
Be happy.

If He clothes the lilies..drapes the mountains with beauty
Feeds the sparrow.. Sends refreshing rain.
How much more will He
Do for you?
U are worth more ...

Don't worry be happy.
Do a somersault
Say something different today
Write an essay..
Draw a lovely picture..
Be creative
Be different
Only be happy ...

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