The sky above me was mostly covered with dark clouds, perhaps it was a murky evening! I was standing with my friends in one corner of the parking space of our college and we were bantering each other. It was the month of may during which most of colleges are closed completing the even semesters and i was glad that it happened. The parking was filled with all the future techies talking to their friends and their would be. It was common for us to see beggars,salespersons and fortune teller wander about the campus, i do not blame the security guards though. My college had too many secret entrances and exits. That evening i saw a petty figure walking towards us. I wondered who it might be as it was time to wind up with the college and move home. As the person came closer i got a clear view of him. It was a tiny tot with a flask in one hand and the other holding few use and throw cups. He offered us tea. I said "Who are you? Where are your parents?". He said " I am Rohan and my parents are at home". Then one of my friend asked him "Dont you study? why are you doing this?". "No sir i collect money by doing this to go to school" he said. That one line got us all thinking what do we do to earn the knowledge? We do nothing.
in today's world of competition it is criminal to just get through a degree and do nothing out of it. Little Rohan earned his schooling where as we just begged for it from our parents. Every now and then i see people flaunting about the degree they have, but did anyone of us think of how we got it? It is just a piece of paper which was bought by paying a bundle of papers.
Rohan broke the silence by asking us how many chai we want. All 12 of us took a cup of masala chai and enjoyed the weather because sooner or later it was all going to change. I never drink any beverages but that day i took two cups.
Indeed the boy made one master of a chai. He had magic in his hands. Since then every day we got evening tea from Rohan which almost got us so close to him that it became a habit for us. Even if our daily chats were over we used to wait for him to get the chai. One fine evening as we were having our regular talks, we saw Rohan running towards us. Later when asked he gave us all toffies and said "its my birthday". It was celebration time. we got cake and lots of balloons and celebrated his birthday. When asked what gift he wants he says he has only one wish and that was to taste Dairy milk silk. I had goosebumps listening to this.
A tiny wish and it had it all in his life!!

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