Whatever I'll write here will probably make no sense to me after few hours but still....

Just few years back in college, friends whom I lived with all day and night are no longer here. People have life and its a good thing. I have my own. People have priority and I have too. but is it that difficult to meet even once a week in this busy life? Most of us are here in 20 KM radius and there is metro n many have cars. Its not that difficult, but still we don't. Sometimes I think is energy going low? or bonds are weakening? I really want to be with my friends atleast once a week. It was really fun when we were back in that time. We just did nothing that special but we just hanged out. I don't remember we talked something very interesting or purposeful but still we enjoyed that time and even we agreed back then that we will miss this time and I don't know about others but I miss it. Very much sometimes. Whenever we chat or talk once in a blue moon we say "ya, lets meet sometime" but I it rarely happen.

College is the best place to be and it should be the ultimate stage of life. It should not come that early in life and even life should end after passing out from college. I know one extreme extreme thought, but currently while m writing m nostalgic n i feel so.

And I know what is the reason for all this. Its very simple. We have new friends. We get a job and there are so so many new people who are here away from their college friends. The problem is too many friend circles. And the reason is networking. Networking has become sort of necessary and cool thing. People have 1000 fb fiends ... are they really friends. Rarely.

Its not friendship, its professionalism, its networking. true friends were back in college... may be. maybe there were no true friends ever. Maybe its just me who think so. Maybe.

Maybe that's why I write. Maybe.

Maybe being surrounded with friends was just a habit.

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