Three things. They appealed to the first man and woman. And appeal to us still.

Lust of the FLESH-passions of our fleshly nature-Adam was tempted fiercely by the devious serpent to eat the forbidden fruit of the garden.

Lust of the EYES- It attracted him at first sight.

PRIDE of life- The tempter seduced him to believe he would become like God. So he ate.

He lost his place in the garden and with God.

Sin came into the human race. From Adam our forefather. Because he disobeyed. He had everything going for him. He could eat all fruit of every tree except the forbidden one.
Yet he wanted that particular one.

He and his wife thrown out from paradise soon began their arduous journey of life. Earning his living by sweat and toil. A road complete with thorns and snares.
And she? Her pain multiplied during childbirth.

So they trudged on and on. Generations followed in their footsteps. Still succumbing to the lure of the forbidden fruit.

Finally, one Man could take it no more. He agreed with his father to take on human flesh. He wanted to know what it feels to be human. To suffer and also to die.
He knew the curse could be broken only if He died.

So he was born poor, lived poor to identify with fellow beings. He preached, he healed and set captives free.

The old fella surfaced again. With his trademark three temptations.
But He overcame all.

So called religious folk now overtly jealous, sought to overthrow him. His own betrayed him.

So at age 33, they nailed him to the tree. A most gruesome punishment reserved for the grossest criminal meted to the most innocent of all.

They thought death had done Him in.

The earth shook in mourning. The noonday sun refused to shine. As if paying its last respects to its Maker.
The roman centurion, though always in awe of him, now finally admitted he was He.

Death tried and tried. But couldn't hold on to him anymore.
The grave finally turned Him in.
He rose alive again.

That's when the real story began.
Mankind regained its lost hope.

Through His death, every curse is broken. The head of the serpent stands trampled.

In every adverse situation we are now triumphant.
The three temptations have lost appeal.
The serpent lost his sting.

And now we rise from our ashes, the same way He rose up
provided we cling on to Him.

Tags: Spirituality

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