I have three months only to be with you,

So let me have an overdose of your voice,
An overdose of your kisses, of your smile.
Let me dive in your eyes, in your arms.

If we have three months left, let me be your one and only.
Lets pretend we will be forever together.
Ask me to marry you for one day.
Call me your "Queen" everyday.

Let us dream of the Wedding we'll never really have,
of the children, we'll never see growing.
Let me have your family name for while.
Lets pretend.

Hold me tight as long as you want, tease me like you always do.
And let me get drunk so that i can send you cute messages so that you can make fun of me the next day.
Thats the way we love each other.

Lets talk over and over again of the day our friendship changes to something else.
Of the first day we met, lets remember how i was not fond of you at that time.
But always knew you would be mine.

Just remember of our first kiss, our first "i love you" , our first everything.

Lets make it the best three months of our life, forget about the tears we'll cry and how badly i'll miss you.

P.s I love you . ♥

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