just random thoughts and questions

why is life not fair??
why cant we just skip the bad things for the good?
why cant we just be happy?
why am i not satisfied?
why is this world such a crappy place to live in??
what is the meaning of our life, our struggle?
what will we ever achieve in life, and will that thing be enough?
what will happen in the future??
what will happen in the present?
do all my friends really like me?
what do people really think bout me?

these are the questions that generally swim in my head. im sure they swim in everyones. hopefully
but whats the point of wasting time behind these??
why should it matter to me?
these also pass through my head. :)
but as most mortals.. im unable to stop my brain from thinking and wondering. from analysing every action and reaction to see if it fits the norm.
so what is the norm?? is it what you say it is?? or what society slaps onto you??
so why bend to society pressure?? why do things the way they tell you to??
and if i dont do that.. what will people think of me?? :D
so we are back to the questions.. so on and on it goes..
we go back to the same questions and the same scenario's.

so this was a peek into my messed up brains for about 5 mins..
shouldnt there be a section called blah blah.. dunno what to tag this post as! :D

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