Those three words which i always dreamt of telling to the guy with whom i would spend all my life..i told them to u..
The one who doesn't love me at all...The one who never cared how i feel...those three words which i always wanted to hear from the one i say them to..that can never happen now..
Those three words which would lighten up my every hope, which would fill life in my dreams...
which would make me love my own self..i can never ever hear them from u now..for u are never gonna love me as much i do....All my dreams shattered with those three words now
i wish i never said them to u..but yet u deserved them..!! all my life u will be the one to whom i truth fully told these three words.....whom can i ever love as much as i love u..they say there is life after love failure and love after every love failure..but u are my only love for this life...i can never ever love anyone more....
i wish u could understand this but u never will .. u have no clue how much i love u..

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