Amazing what marriage does to you.I had this childhood friend of mine visiting me and hubby recently.We chatted some time over a plate of misal. He loved it.A chatterbox, he went on rambling, when suddenly he looked at his watch."I have to go," he said.Later one day he called me and asked me what hubby thought of him."Okay, nice." I said. "Nothing more?" he insisted."Na. He's a man of few words.""He should speak something, how would people know anything if he doesn't open his mouth?" he continued.What's that to him?I was getting irritated.Last thing I needed. A thorn in our rose bush.I stopped taking calls from him after that.He's a nice friend, well meaning in intentions.But his remarks on hubby dear had me disconnected.Hello, he's still my hubby, my other half, couldn't he see that?Yesterday on chat, he talked. 'All gems get bad partners,' he said.He was talking of someone else, but was he also alluding to us? 'Hmmm. That's why your wife got a nut like you,' I replied.He stubbornly denied it.I laughed.He wanted to surprise me. By dropping in suddenly, but work kept him busy. He was in Mumbai then.Thank God, I thought, he didn't drop in. I honestly didn't want to meet him.And having him drop by when I'm alone scared me more.Was I getting paranoid?Or was his disdain for hubby getting on my nerves?"..they shall become one flesh."Is it just that I and hubby are so one now that I can't stand anyone, not even my childhood pal pointing a finger at him?

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