
21 Female Emptiness
Yeah call this fairy tale but I had a
boyfriend whom I'd wake up at 5 in
the morning and yell at him to come
down in 3 minutes tops and he'd
come down just like that shirtless
and without even washing his face,
he'd be there to pick me up, drop
me, he'd fulfill all my wishes. He'd
yell at me without any reason and
would apologize later. He'd threaten
everybody who caused me pain. He
was THE man. He was a type of
person who'd miss his exams but
won't miss picking a lady up and
running all the way to hospital
because she met with an accident.
Yeah he did that. That's how my guy
was. Sure we had lots of fights, but
each ended up with him scolding me
and me hugging him like there's no
tomorrow. He was not my boyfriend,
he was my mentor, he was my
bodyguard, hell he was a part of my
body I believed, he was everything I
ever wanted from my life. And then
one day, I'm running back home from
a Friend's place because it was 6:30
and he calls me at 6:30, it was like a
tradition. I had so many things to tell
him. I was practically jumping up and
down. I waited. No call from him that
day. I was furious. How could he not
call me and then ignore my calls.
And the next thing I know, his best
friend meets me up after college
asking me to promise I won't lose my
shit after he tells me something
important. I was like shoot and he
dropped the bomb. My guy met with
an accident and he's no more. You
know something funny? Lol I text him
everyday because he doesn't call me.
I text him things that happened, I text
him goodnight and goodmorning, I
tell him that I miss him and that I
love him, I promise him I'll listen to
everything he says just come back
but he's not listening to me. Asshole
didn't even say goodbye. I've no idea
where he is and what he's doing.
He's allergic to tobacco I just hope
he's alright. I want him to come back
for me. He promised me forever, he
cannot leave. I so wanna go to the
world he's in, but he'll yell at me if I
try something stupid. Tell me what to
do to get him back. Promise me he's
coming back. Just promise me
someone. Please. I've stopped
talking since that day and people
think I've gone mad. My parents are
taking me to some stupid shit
psychiatrist. Nobody understands. So
kind people, promise me he's coming
back. I'm not spending my life alone
after being with him for three fucking
years. "

even wen m posting this i hve
goosebumps... i hv tears in my
eyes.... i feel u girl, hv nothing to

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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